No: # 288/1, M.G.Road, Muthialpet, Pondicherry - 605003.
Opening Hour : Monday - Friday 8am to 5pm


The school follows CBSE Pattern up to 8th std through EDAC, stateboard for the classes 9 to 12.. In addition the academic part of the school is based on the following approach:

  • The most important aspect of the approach is attitude of the teacher, which should be that learning is a form of play which fosters the blossoming of the child’s natural development. Learning ought to and can be made motivating, enjoyable, and fun.
  • A large portion of the teaching materials below the 1st standard are produced at the school by the teachers, who customize their teaching aids to suit the interests and knowledge levels of the students.
  • Children learn in their own accord, when their interest and curiosity are awakened. ‘Teaching’ is confined to brief periods according to the natural attention span of each child, which is normally 15-30 minutes daily during the first two years. It is never extended beyond the child’s span of interest.
  • The student-teacher ratio is kept very low to enable the teacher to work with small groups of 4-5 children at a time while the others are absorbed in learning games or recreational play. The most effective ratio is ten students per teacher during pre-school, LKG and UKG and fifteen students per teacher during standards 1 to 5. However, since the teaching methods are intense, each student actually need attend only 2½ to 3 hours of class per day, enabling each teacher to effectively handle double the number of students.
  • The act of teaching consists primarily of presenting sensory images, objects and information to the child in a pleasant and interesting manner in the form of flash cards. This permits the child to observe and inquire about the subject, without compelling the child to memorize. Coloured flash cards with large images are utilized as convenient, low cost teaching aids.
  • Since the stress is on the idea that the younger a child is, the better equipped is he to learn, the method is teaching focused. The child is taught systematically to synchronize two of his sense organs, namely his eyes and ears. Even as the words are being flashed, the word is called out. The child learns to assimilate skillfully the two pieces of information being given. The baby is taught to see a word, hear it and know it simultaneously. The child is taught a word as a complete unit of sound and its meaning.
  • Rapid acquisition of basic reading and verbal skills in multiple languages occurs naturally by exposing the child to whole words as objects on flash cards repetitively for very brief periods. Story telling is used to make learning fun and to communicate basic values of goodness, beauty, harmony, responsibility and right conduct.
  • The child is taught numerals before numbers and functions in mathematics. Encyclopedic knowledge is taught to a child by first teaching bits of information about any topic. The sphere of knowledge is slowly enlarged until it encompasses and includes other topics too. The sphere grows big enough to move from topics to subject to interdisciplinary ideas. The result is a very broad based learning, a very wide foundation to understanding, assimilating and finally creating new ideas. Information on people and other living things, places, history, geography, and other cultures are presented to the child in the form of stories, pictorial information and explanations combined together to present facts in a living, integrated context rather than as a series of separate divorced subjects. For this, an extensive range of printed books is used as well as our own homemade flash cards.
  • Audio-visuals, including SMART CLASS ROOM visual films on nature, science, language development, etc. and computers using multimedia CDs to teach sciences, geography and history are also important learning tools.
  • Rapid gaining of basic math skills is achieved through the use of number line method which enables the child to physically experiment and act out different combinations of addition and subtraction.


  • Tamil Nadu Uniform System of School Education or Equitable education system is a School Education Department of Government of Tamil Nadu, India programme to integrate the various school educational systems within the state. There are over 1.2 crore students in four streams of school education comprising about 45,000 state board schools, 11,000 matriculation schools, 25 oriental schools and 50 Anglo-Indian schools, with different syllabus, textbooks and schemes of examinations. Uniform System of School Education was implemented by Tamil Nadu Uniform System of School Education Act 2010 which paves way for quality education to all children without any discrimination based on their economic, social or cultural background. The new system of education was introduced for classes I and VI in the 2010 academic year.
  • The main need for this system to be proclaimed as the syllabus in Tamil Nadu, was that all the school students must have uniform study, diminishing the variations between the Matriculation or CBSE Students and the Government school Students. The motivation for a uniform syllabus was obtained from the Ex. Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, K. Kamaraj who was the first to initiate a uniform dress code in schools to reduce the differentiation between students from households with varying income.


Group A1 2503 (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology)
Group A2 2502 (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Computer Science)
Group A3 2702 (Commerce, Accountancy, Economics, Computer Applications)
Group A4 2708 (Commerce , Accountancy, Economics, Business Maths & Statistics)